Ondulin excellent material for the repair of the roof
Ondulin material – is considered one of the types. It is often used in the repair of the roof. At the beginning of work, it is necessary to inspect the roof well, clean it of garbage and remove all available damage. If the old waterproofing layer has worked out, it must be replaced with a new layer. An excellent option is a waterproofing coating with vapor barrier.
Necessarily on top of the waterproofing layer is filled from wooden beams crate. Bars should have a size of 40×50 millimeters. From the angle of inclination of the roof will bind the step of the installed crate. Most often, such a step is from 45 to 60 centimeters along the axes. For the installation of the ridge, it is also necessary to make an additional crate from the beam.
Along the lower edge of the roof, as well as along its edges of the slopes, the twine should be pulled. The lower row is nailed as joints of sheets for each wave. But the following rows should be nailed through the wave. Sheets of each row, so that they do not find themselves in one plane, you need to shift the floor of the sheet. The material overlaps the overlap of one wave approximately by15-20 centimeters. On the next sheet of Ondulin, you should mark the place where the nails will be attached. In this case, it is necessary to apply a wooden straight block across the wave. Colored pencils will help to mark the material.
Ondulin should be laid only according to the instructions. Be sure to remember that under the horse and its extreme sheets, it is necessary to put the insulation.