Building a building in winter

Many people believe that it is not worth building in winter, and that all work on construction needs to be completed before frosts come, and if there is no longer time, then the construction should be postponed until spring. But this opinion is wrong and construction can be carried out without difficulty and in winter. It is only necessary to adhere to certain rules when working.

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If you look at the process of erecting buildings from the very beginning, then at the stage when the foundation is beginning to dig, there are already problems with the frozen earth, which is very difficult to dig. But if there is a desire, then with the help of modern technology you can inexpensively and quickly warm the ground, because the soil usually freezes up to 30 cm of depth.

It is also believed that in cold weather it is impossible to work with concrete and solution. But today there are different additives that make it possible to give the material the desired strength and temperature, while the material does not lose its properties and quality.

In winter, the construction also recommend the use of a hen. Teplyak is a special design that helps maintain heat at construction sites. The construction is hiding with a warm -up, which makes it possible to prevent freezing, thereby there is no need to suspend construction in winter. Tugrik can also protect the construction site in the summer from precipitation.