Wallpaper for painting: what materials belong to them?

Wallpaper for painting: what materials belong to them?

Some owners cannot decide which wall decoration option to choose: painting or gluing wallpaper. Today they can use the universal option that combines these methods. We are talking about using wallpaper for painting. Their options are not too many.

You can paint not every type of wallpaper. The first suitable option should be called paper wallpaper. A distinctive feature of this type of material is that it withstands paint only once. Therefore, the material itself should be careful enough and decide on the necessary color in advance.

It is possible to repaint the non -woven wallpaper several times. They take the paint well enough, and in excellent condition they persist for a long time. Moreover, on this material you can wear paint from any side. If desired, it will be possible to repaint such a finishing coating 5-7 times. That is, it will last a long time.

And yet, the widest possibilities differ in glass wallpaper. Due to the fact that such material has especially great strength, it will withstand even 15 repaints. But the cost of this finishing material is noticeably higher than previously mentioned. However, such costs are quite justified.