Transistor car switch

The switch is shielded, mounted in a cast in an aluminum ribbed case (to improve the excretion of heat), for connecting to the electrical circuit of the car, the switch has 4 shielded outputs for plug connectors and 1 output to the mass. The switch includes: 2 powerful Germanium transistor P210A, sequentially turned on by their sections, an emitter-collector, diode D302, a special three-and-time transformer, 3 resistances and 8 capacitors (of which 4 work only with an emergency version).

2. Transistor switch TK102, unlike TK101 -A – NSECRIARY. It has one Germany transistor GT7S1A with the maximum permissible voltage on the collector – emitter 160 V and maximum collector current 12 A, Zener diode D817 -V, diode D7Zh, special double -bearing transformer, capacitor with a capacity of 1 μF, electrolytic capacitor with a capacity of 50 μF and 2 resistance for 2 and 20 Ohms. To connect the switch to the electrical circuit on a special block, the side wall of the switch, the location of the output terminals strengthened. You can buy a distribution collector.

The ignition coils of large dimensions will be replaced by more economical, small -sized. An example of such a coil can be one of the modifications of small-sized design structures B1 with a voltage of 12 V.

It differs from the coil of B1 large dimensions. The number of turns

For the indicator of the fuel level – the indicator arrows indicate the indicator with the specified resistance values ​​included in the circuit.

For ammeters and non -electrical automotive manometers, they should compare their indications with the readings of the corresponding reference device.

The values ​​of the permissible errors when checking the instrumentation are shown in the table less in the primary winding with 330 ± -5 with a wire diameter of 0.72 mm to 320 ± 5 with a wire diameter of 0.77 mm and in the secondary winding from 19 LLC ± 500 with a diameter wires 0.1 mm up to 17 500 ± 500 with a wire diameter of 0.09 mm. The core is shortened and made of electrical steel of the E41 brand with a thickness of 0.35 mm (previously made of steel of a brand 311 0.55 mm thick). Accordingly, the length of the winding, the height of the casing, its diameter and size of the plastic cover are reduced. The distance between the terminals is preserved, but the ohmic resistance of the unit of the additional resistance (from 1.3 ± 0.05 to 1.4 ± 0.05 ohma) in the spiral of which is made of nickel wire.