The choice of metal -plastic pipes

The twenty -first century brought new terms and goods to the construction market, unknown. Like, for example, metal -plastic pipes. Several decades ago they didn’t hear about them, but today it is easy to buy them, you just have to contact any construction store or look for them in online stores. Moreover, the company, the quantity, any of the possible diameters is not a problem. However, when choosing a product product, including metal -plastic pipes, it is necessary to know information about their consumer properties, technical characteristics and shortcomings during operation.

Use metal -plastic pipes nanoplast to create and operate water heating and water supply systems. Recently, they have become reliable and the main material when strapping in the hydraulic systems of residential and industrial buildings and structures. The main requirement in the creation and operation of such systems is the strength of the pipes, resistance to mechanical loads, sharp temperature changes and pressure.

Under adverse operating conditions, it is possible to leak in the places of connection of fittings, and at low temperature conditions of operation, mechanical gap is not excluded. Only by using high -quality metal -plastic pipes, taking into account the specific conditions of their operation mode, you can be sure of the service life of the system in the 50 years declared by the manufacturer. Moreover, you can count on a longer service life of pipes, but subject to their proper operation.

What affects the quality of metal -plastic pipes?

The quality of these products depends on many factors, but above all on their design. The metal -plastic pipe has at least five layers, three are considered the main and two connecting. Inside is the so -called polymer layer, in the middle there is an aluminum, and on the outside – again – polymer. A bearing layer giving stiffness is an aluminum layer. Modern pipes producers vary in manufacturing technology, so products of different brands have different thicknesses of both supporting and reinforcing layers. Welding is carried out by the laser method of “VSTOK” or the ultrasound method “ENTAM”.

The outer and internal layers of metal-plastic pipes are made using the so-called “stitched” polyethylene PEX or from the linear material PE-RT. Both of these plastics in most of the operational characteristics (in strength, heat resistance and resistance to the effects of adverse environmental conditions) exceed simple polyethylene – PN. PE-RT and Reh as materials guarantee a relatively long service life of them products manufactured from them. The binding layers also affect the quality of the pipes, the most characteristic marriage here is detachment. Preference should be given to products where the “VSTOK” method was used during welding of the aluminum layer.