The choice of an interior door

Repair is approaching its long -awaited completion. It remains to solve some issues and establish high -quality interior doors that will last you a long life.

Looking for a good site on which you can order a design project at an affordable price? We advise you to visit this site and you can order it there.

There are three types of interior doors:

– From the array

– Openced

– Mazonite

The doors from the array are very durable and serve as a gorgeous decoration of the house. If you decide to dwell on the doors from an array, it is better to choose a brand that will be responsible for the quality of the creation, namely the correct drying of wood and the choice of good glue and varnish. Often on such doors, manufacturers print a distinctive sign of their brand. Also, doors can differ significantly in the price category, because the door made of oak will be much more expensive than from pine.

We do not recommend installing such a door in wet rooms, such as the bathroom, under the influence of moisture the door can be deformed.

A cheaper option is a door of medium -density wood -fiber plate or how we are used to hearing MDF. They are strong and durable. They can be safely installed in the entire apartment, and even humidity in the bathroom is not able to deform this door.

The most budget option is Mazonite doors. A good option, they will serve with care of care for at least 7-10 years. Good appearance, and low weight. The doors can be painted if desired, thereby updating the appearance with minimal costs.

In order not to be disappointed with the doors you have chosen, always ask the seller of a quality certificate. Then your doors will last you and your home for many, many years.