Rent for a while or forever?

What to do if you need to repair the office and you can’t stop work? What should be the rented building? Who should I contact for the development of the project?

The variety of those situations that a person who attributes himself to the number of entrepreneurs or businessmen falls is simply amazing the imagination. And this is why, the number of those services in which they may need is just as large enough. For example, the head of the commercial structure may start perestroika or overhaul of the building where his office is located. But the work of the company, company, cannot be stopped for a long time! What can be a way out? While there is a repair in the building, it is necessary to temporarily transfer the office to another building. Where to get it? The answer is quite simple – rent. But in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you must first conduct an examination of the state of the building. You must find out if it meets certain requirements?

Of course, it is necessary that the new place be approved by those who know the design of administrative buildings, because the principles, as they say, are indestructible.

Well, and for the project of the new office, of course, it is better to contact professionals in the same way. An example of such professionalism is the resource of Progressiv. SU. Even a quick acquaintance can tell about a lot – about the high -quality study of projects, about a large database that is used at the same time, as well as that those who do this have extensive experience.

How to end the “castling” of a conditional office, it is difficult to say. Quite often, returning to the new “old” office, the company does not part with the rented premises, for a variety of reasons. But this is not so important, it is important that the problem is in a qualitatively solve.