Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper

Before starting the repair of the premises, whether it is office or residential, the question often arises – what to do with the walls? Especially if the walls have clearly noticeable irregularities, it is very difficult to choose the type of trim. Liquid wallpaper is one of the options for masking irregularities, cracks, since they are applied in liquid form, and there is no need to dock the seams. Liquid wallpaper consist of cellulose or cotton, artificial silk and adhesive mass. They are safe for health, passing air, unless, of course, cover them with varnish. Such wallpapers are sold in special plastic bags, they are attached to the preparation of mass. There are indicated water proportions for the amount of dry mixture of materials. You can dilute in plastic capacity and leave only under a closed lid or plastic bag so that moisture does not evaporate from the mass. Divorced wallpapers are suitable for five days. Before applying liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the surface. The wallpaper thickness will be thin, so after drying the dark areas on the wall under the liquid wallpaper will be visible if the color of the wallpaper is light. Therefore, you need to putty such areas, and then warm the entire surface well. Metal surfaces must be painted with oil paint, since liquid wallpapers pass water, and a corrosion spot may appear. Apply wallpaper with a plastic spatula of reciprocating movements so that lumps on the wall do not form and wallpaper does not lose their natural appearance so that the conceived drawing does not deteriorate. There are also special hopper pistols, with the help of which the wallpaper occurs several times faster. For the complete drying of liquid wallpaper, it is necessary for about 48 hours, while the wallpaper is not afraid of drafts, and the more the room is ventilated, the faster unnecessary moisture will be released. If a small area must be replaced, this can be done by wetting this site, scraping it with a spatula and applying a new layer.