Iron garage roof insulation using glass wool
Minvata is very widely used for insulation of various structures (including roofs) today.
In a situation where the battleship of the roof is continuous, the insulation will be easier to fix in the lower part of the structure, while the waterproofing will need to be performed on the upper part of the rafters. If the crate is discharged, the insulation material can be placed between the rafters. The waterproofing layer is mounted on it at the top.
As many people know, roofing structures of different options can have their own certain order of the location of the defense layers.
It should be noted that the waterproofing film should not be in direct contact with the material of insulation (exceptions are only coatings of waterproofing, which are made as a superdiffusion membrane).
After all the insulation operations are completed, the lower part of the structure will need to be closed using a film that will form a vapor barrier layer.
The lower vapor barrier layer is best sheathed (according to rafters) with a simple wooden lining or any other finishing materials. Laying the insulation plates into the space bordered between the rafters should be performed in such a way as to ensure their complete fit to one another.