How to make a warm loggia

How to make a warm loggia

Even the simplest methods of insulation of the loggia allow this element of housing to be more comfortable. Of course, ordinary insulation does not make it possible to turn the loggia into a living room. But then it can be used during the round year to solve some problems.

It will be possible to properly warm the loggia if you provide good glazing, as well as thermal insulation of surfaces. If the glazing of the loggia was not carried out earlier, then you should contact the installation of plastic windows. The old glazing can not be replaced, but it is required to check if it misses draft. If the cracks are detected, then they need to be sealed with seals or sealants.

When glazing is formed, they proceed to thermal insulation. It needs to be carried out so that the area of ​​the loggia eventually decreases only slightly. Therefore, they resort to the use of thin heat -insulating materials.

A good effect is given by the use of polystyrene foam, the thickness of which is no more than 5 cm. It is laid on all surfaces of the loggia, after which they are finished. Thermal insulation will be even higher if the decoration is carried out using materials from wood, which are quite a lot.