How to fix plaster defects.
In order to correct the defects of the plaster, two spatulas are needed – a large and small, acute cell and a spray gun, a sponge and a rag, a little finish and rough plaster.
Cracks appeared on the plaster. Around the damage, we completely remove the plaster, the wider, the better the new plaster will hold. If damage to the plaster appeared due to moisture, it is loose and poured, then you need to clean the larger area from plaster and very carefully, then remove dust, and it is better to rinse.
The first layer of the plaster solution should be no more than half a centimeter and the notches are applied to it with an acute kelma. The plaster layer dries for about 20 minutes. Until the layer, apply a net with cells. Try to do a little mixture of plaster so that it does not dry out before you start subsequent plaster.
Before applying a layer of plaster, each time process the surface with a damp sponge. We apply the last layer of plaster with a wide spatula, and remove all the excess to the small. Plaster should be applied from the center to the edges. For the last layer, you need to use a solution not very thick. It is best to paint the plaster immediately.