Modern stretch ceilings
Stretch ceilings today can afford the average person, because the prices of the canvases have become lower, and the purchasing power of people is higher. The range of paintings is quite wide.
The most expensive are the models that were produced by European companies. Domestic canvases are cheaper. They are of high quality, but their assortment is below. Chinese models are inferior in quality to both of them, but they can also be dangerous if you purchase not certified goods, t. To. Many unscrupulous manufacturers make them in artisanal conditions from poor -quality and dangerous recyclables.
The design itself can be single -level, which is not very popular and use this option mainly in non -residential premises, as well as a complex multi -level. Multi -level ceilings are very popular in residential premises, because if professionals made them, they are real masterpieces of design art.
In them you can install a large number of lighting devices exactly where it is necessary, and not just in the center. This allows you to zone the space with the help of light, to separate it. This is especially true for apartments – studios or just large rooms.