Installation of corrugated board
You will need: roulette, hammer, screwdriver, long rail, marker, cord, and pistol squeezing silicone. For cutting corrugated board, the use of a grinder with an abrasive circle is categorically not suitable. To. Under the influence of high temperature, the polymer and zinc coating of the sheet is burned and it loses its resistance to corrosion. To cut metal profiled sheets, you can use fine -toothed hacksaw, cutting electric scissors or manual scissors for metal surfaces. Also for these works, tools such as an electrician or a disk saw that has hard teeth is suitable.
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Scheme of work:
Metal sheets are mounted strictly parallel, aligned horizontally, cornice. In this case, it is better to order the length of the sheet that was equal to the length of the slope. When the sheets are short, styling is carried out shamefully, in the horizontal direction from the bottom up. The joints of the sheets on the slope are laid by overwhelming. With a small slope of the roof, it is generally preferable to fill a special purpose with a sealant. To ensure the best fit, the extreme shelves are connected by rivets.
When fastening sheets, self -tapping screws are used. They are installed in every second wave on its sole. Subsequent rows of self -tapping screws, for better strength, are located in a checkerboard pattern. In the places of the hollows, screws are screwed into every wave.