Parquet board laying by floating method

Parquet board laying by floating method

Many owners use the parquet board for the reason that such material can be laid on the floor and independently. There are several options for performing such an event. The most common is the so -called floating method, which differs both simplicity and cheapness in implementation.

The preliminary stage of work suggests that the floor is well aligned. Do not lay a parquet board on a surface that has any height changes. Otherwise, over time, parquet strips can disperse. For better leveling, you can lay wooden lags on the concrete basis of the floor, on which the parquet board itself is then mounted.

Laying by a floating method suggests that the parquet board does not attach to the base with any materials. Installation strength is ensured only by the fact that parquet strips have spikes and grooves that fit in the process of laying floor material.

The great advantage of this method of installing a parquet board is that if necessary, you can quickly replace any elements, because they are not supported. Moreover, using additional materials is not required.